How are the crowds usually like at Disneyland on Mondays? We’re going tomorrow (March 21). Do you guys think it’s going to be crazy crowded? Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Does Disneyland close early if it rains? We’re going next week and there’s currently rain in the forecast. Do you think they will be closing early on any days next week? Thanks.
We’re going to Disneyland tomorrow and the weather forecast says it’s going to rain. How does the rain usually affect crowds? Is it less crowded, short lines, etc? I know it’s Spring Break already. Thanks!
Our trip to Disneyland is next week, which I believe is Spring Break for some schools in the area. Do you think there will be a lot of crowds for that week? Has the park been crowded these last couple days? Thanks!
What about on April 23? Will the crowds at Disneyland be really bad on that day? We’re going on that weekend. Do you guys think it’s going to be crowded? I need advice!! Thanks!
What kind of crowds should we expect at Disneyland on April 24? We’re thinking about going on that weekend and need to know if it is going to be crowded or not. Thanks!
How are the crowds expected to be at Disneyland this Sunday? Do you guys think it’s going to be crowded for Spring Break? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
We will be going to Disneyland for Memorial Day weekend this year. That’s on May 28, 29, and 30. How bad are the crowds going to be on that weekend? Is it usually pretty crowded? Thank you!
I was looking at the Disneyland calendar on their website and it says that DL closes at 5:00pm on May 7. Does anyone know why they are closing so early on a Saturday? We were planning on going that weekend but may have to reschedule if they’re closing at 5. Thanks.
I’ll be going to Disneyland in California on Easter weekend next month. What kind of crowds are expected for those days? Do you think it’s going to be crowded because of Spring Break and Easter? Thanks!