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10a 8
11a 13
12p 20
1p 25
2p 32
3p 31
4p 39
5p 41
6p 38
7p 36
8p 34
9p 22
10p 35

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  1. I don’t think so, it’s actually been pretty empty this week.

  2. how about Christmas eve? crowded all day?

  3. I’ve never been to Knott’s on Christmas Eve, but they only close at 7pm so I’m thinking it won’t be too bad.

  4. What is the best day to go to knotts between christmas and January 3rd?

  5. It would definitely be best to go after most of the holiday crowds are gone, so I’d go on January 1, 2, or 3. It’s usually packed between Christmas and New Years.

  6. does anyone know how knotts will be on December 27?

  7. The crowds at Knott’s actually aren’t too bad today, so I’m thinking it will be the same for tomorrow!

  8. How does Dec 31st look? Never been on New Years Eve but don’t want to go if its too busy.

  9. I’ve been on NYE before and it wasn’t too bad during the day, but it does get a lot busier in the late afternoon and evening.

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