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10a 7
11a 12
12p 8
1p 9
2p 9
3p 9
4p 10
5p 9
6p 9
7p 10
8p 9
9p 18
10p Now

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  1. I don’t think it will be very busy. The bulk of the holiday crowds go to Knott’s before New Year’s.

  2. What are the Saturday crowds like now at Knotts?

  3. It’s usually busy on Saturdays. Schools are still on winter break this week too, so I think it’s going to be crowded tomorrow.

  4. What will Knotts be on Presidents day

  5. It should be busy over Presidents Day Weekend. I’m thinking Monday will be less busier than Saturday or Sunday.

  6. anybody know what Knott’s Berry farm is like on Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

  7. I don’t think it will be too bad on Monday. MLK Day isn’t one of the super busy holidays.

  8. How crowded is Knott’s Berry Farm in mid-June?  Compared to Disneyland what are the line wait times like in June?

  9. Mid-June is when a lot of schools get out for the summer (June 12 or 13 is the last day for districts in Anaheim, Buena Park), so it starts to get more crowded around that time. Should be less crowded than Disneyland though. Not sure what the wait times will be like, but wouldn’t be surprised to see 1-hour lines.

  10. I’m planning our family vacation for the summer. Is there a day of the week that seems to be less crowded?

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