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⚠️ Wait times are shorter than usual
Average Wait Times
10a 7
11a 12
12p 8
1p 9
2p 9
3p 9
4p 10
5p 9
6p 9
7p Now
8p 49
9p 18
10p 18

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  1. I’d say Monday-Thursday is the best time to go, shouldn’t be too much of a difference between those days. Aim for going on weekdays in May or early June if you can, as it gets more crowded later in the summer season as schools get out.

  2. I suspect there would be a slight increase on Monday as compared to the other days given that people on occasion take three day weekends.  I hear that Wednesday and Thursday are usually the lightest.

  3. will knotts berry farm be ghost town tomorrow feb,13 2013 ?

  4. Yes, shouldn’t be crowded at all tomorrow.

  5. I’m headed out there with a bunch of friends for my B day Saturday. Anyone know what it’s like this time of year on the weekends?

  6. No, weekdays this time of year are usually fairly empty.

  7. Presidents Day Weekend this Saturday, so I think it’s going to be busy!

  8. We are planning a trip to Knotts, what would be the best time to go in April? We have to go on a Saturday. 

  9. I’d just avoid going on the first Saturday of April (Spring Break crowds). There shouldn’t be much of a difference in attendance between April 13, 20, and 27, so I’d go on whichever Saturday is best for you.

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