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10a 13
11a 22
12p 32
1p 32
2p 34
3p 34
4p 36
5p 37
6p 31
7p 10
8p 29
9p Now
10p 10

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  1. I don’t think it will be too packed. Most of the crowds go on the weekend.

  2. What rides are typically cold when it rains? I’m going on thanksgiving and it’s 35% chance of rain..

  3. As long as there’s no high winds or lightning, the rides usually remain open in the rain.

  4. is typically the day after thanksgiving busy? was thinking of coming that Friday the 29th

  5. Less packed Thanksgiving Day or Black Friday?

  6. It usually is busy, but it might rain this year, so I don’t think it will be too bad.

  7. I’m thinking Thanksgiving. It’s expected to rain on both days though, so it shouldn’t be too packed.

  8. Not sure, but we are going on TG, so see you there!

  9. If it is raining today at the park, what will happen?

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