Average WaitLa RevolucionPony ExpressXceleratorGhostriderCalico Mine RideCoast RiderJaguarLog RideLos VoladoresMine RideSilver BulletSupreme ScreamHangTimeSierra SidewinderSol SpinCalico River RapidsBloodlines 1842Chilling ChambersCinema SlasherDark EntitiesGrimoireMesmerOriginsRoom 13The DepthsWax Works
⚠️ Wait times are shorter than usual
Average Wait Times
10a 8
11a 14
12p 13
1p 14
2p 13
3p Now
4p 61
5p 58
6p 56
7p 95
8p 49
9p 48
10p 40

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  1. Says it’s a ghost town today. What about tomorrow? How Do you think Friday will be?

  2. I don’t think it will be crowded. It should be mostly the same tomorrow.

  3. Is it gonna be crowded tomorrow or a ghost town?

  4. It shouldn’t be crowded. It’s been pretty empty this week.

  5. Will Knotts ber crowded this coming Saturday? Any predictions on how long the lines will be?

  6. Saturdays are usually packed, and it’s Spring Break season. I’d be prepared for 60min waits.

  7. Is Knott’s crowded during the week after Easter Sunday? We are planning a trip on April 21 or 22.

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