Average WaitGhostriderHangTimeJaguarPony ExpressLa RevolucionSol SpinCalico Mine RideSierra SidewinderXceleratorCoast RiderLog RideLos VoladoresMine RideSilver BulletSupreme ScreamCalico River RapidsBloodlines 1842Chilling ChambersCinema SlasherDark EntitiesGrimoireMesmerOriginsRoom 13The DepthsWax Works
⚡ Fast Lane recommended
⚠️ Wait times are longer than usual
Average Wait Times
10a 10
11a 17
12p 26
1p 32
2p 38
3p 47
4p 52
5p 52
6p 50
7p Now
8p 34
9p 22
10p 35

Live Crowd Updates

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Crowd Guide

  1. The summer crowds are expected to be out all week, so be prepared for it to be busy. It wasn’t too crowded today (Monday) though, so hopefully it’ll be the same on Wednesday. Have fun!

  2. so are the crowds usually low  between monday -wensday  on a typical week during the  summer? i live in texas and planned a trip for the first week in agust so i want to know would it be a good idea to visit

  3. I wouldn’t say the crowds are low, maybe moderate. Schools don’t get back in session until late August, so the summer crowds should still be out. If you can wait until the last two weeks of the month, crowds will be a lot lighter. Have fun!

  4. so how are the crowds usually during mid september?

  5. Mid-September is a good time to go. Saturdays can be a bit busy, but the crowds on weekdays are very light.

  6. Should I go Friday July 27 or Saturday July 28? Which day is less crowded.  I have a 2 year old and a 15 months old baby. We’ll be spending time most at Snoopy Camp. 

  7. I’d go on Friday. Saturdays can be pretty busy. Crowds should be manageable, especially if you get there early. Camp Snoopy usually isn’t too crowded anyway. Have fun!

  8. its literally a ghost town today! no lines, you can go on all the rides as many times as you want.

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