Average WaitGhostriderLa RevolucionPony ExpressSierra SidewinderCalico Mine RideCoast RiderJaguarLog RideLos VoladoresMine RideSilver BulletSol SpinSupreme ScreamXceleratorCalico River RapidsHangTimeBloodlines 1842Chilling ChambersCinema SlasherDark EntitiesGrimoireMesmerOriginsRoom 13The DepthsWax Works
⚠️ Wait times are shorter than usual
Average Wait Times
10a 7
11a 12
12p 8
1p 9
2p 9
3p 9
4p 10
5p 9
6p 9
7p 10
8p 9
9p Now
10p 18

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  1. Like this Saturday? Should I wait until I’m at the park to purchase?

  2. Saturdays have been packed this summer, so I would actually just buy in advance since Fast Lane will probably be a good idea anyway. I think they’ll still be available at the park though if you get there early.

  3. Any idea if tomorrow (Sunday the 26th) will be crowded?

  4. I’m sorry I forgot what day it is. Will it be crowded this Sunday the 26th?

  5. …I did it again. Sunday the 27th. (Sorry)

  6. The summer crowds have been out lately, so I’d be prepared for Sunday to be crowded. It should be a little better than Saturday though. Get there early!

  7. I don’t think it will be too bad. These past Mondays have been manageable.

  8. I think it’ll still be a little busy with the summer crowds on Thursday. It should definitely be better than the weekends though.

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